His Outpouring Church
His Outpouring Church
Young family with an astounding testimony. Give glory to God.
Linda shares about how she converted from being a Buddhist and the times that she has prayed for people.
Rich shares how God walks him out of drug and alcohol addiction.
David shares about how he lead 8 people to the Lord in one day.
Cody shares how God restored him after he drank antifreeze trying to kill himself and how he has since given his life to the Lord.
Michelle shares how she rededicated her life to God and the things that God as healed and changed for her since that seven years ago.
Faith shares about how God walks her though being abused and addiction by showing her what love truly is.
"Pastor Brad definitely has the Holy spirit exuding from inside. He prayed for me when I was having terrible neck and back pain. I could barely walk without severe pain. When he prayed, the Holy Spirit immediately began healing my neck and within an hour my back was healed! All Glory goes to God!! If you want a true Holy Spirit experience, full of love, true kindness and power, I would highly recommend HIS OUTPOURING!" - Leanne W.
"Do you all realize that every week someone has been born again, filled with the Holy Ghost or healed? Worship last Saturday at His Outpouring was incredible. What a powerful presence! I love you all very much." - Brad C.
"At last Saturday's service when Pastor Brad prayed for me, God took something from me. I didn't know I was carrying such negativity inside myself. I let him have my suffering and addiction, the pain I've been living with, my doubt and my hatred. I felt peace in places that were filled with chaos before. I feel 50 lbs lighter after visiting His Outpouring!"
"Today, I thank God a thousand times over. The feeling I get from being a dad is worth my very last breath. It's been 3 years since I've had this feeling. I owe my life to God for this. I owe my sobriety. I owe my positivity. I owe His Outpouring. I'll never abandon my faith again. I'll never surrender my sobriety again. I've found myself in a new light that I've never seen before. God has changed me from a broken, failed, scared and angry creature to a weapon of hope to guide others through their darkest hours. If I can help just one other get here it'll be the best payday for this former addict." - Billy C.
"I'm filled with hope and love gain. Thank you His Outpouring! My eyes are wet just thinking about who I used to be. I thank God for every single thing he has changed in my life. For once in my life I'm going to be okay and everything is going to work out. I have no fear, no anger and no guilt. I've never felt like this before. Thank you all for witnessing to me. You all mean more to me than you'll ever know."
"I'm still drug and alcohol free! I also quit smoking and lost 6 pounds... that makes no sense, but its a fact. I'm no longer a slave of consumption. I grow stronger every day and I thank God for the prayers I received at His Outpouring that helped me in becoming the man God intended me to be."
"My friend was at the hospital with liver failure. The Dr's said she wasn't going to make it, but through prayers from His Outpouring, God healed her completely. Now she's totally on fire for God. We used to party together. Now we're prayer warriors together. It's just so awesome what God does through His Outpouring! - Hannah
A young man I worked with killed himself. We were all grieving. One friend was taking it particularly hard. He drank himself into a near coma. I called 911 and His Outpouring. John, Brad and the His Outpouring family stood with me in prayer. Today he is working on his relationship with God and is thankful for his life. God is so good! - Anonymous
"Come to HIS OUTPOURING and experience Holy Spirit Power to change your life." - John O.
Come receive your healing and let yourts be the next testimony!